Day One:
Friday, we will have training conducted by one of the best in the business. Internationally known and
author of extrication publications in Fire Engineering Magazine, Dave Dalrymple. Rescuers will be learning
about the latest technologies being placed in vehicles today. This class will consist of classroom and hands on
training and will be open to local responders, along with members of the twenty, or so, extrication teams from
around the country participating in the event.
Opening ceremonies will be held Friday evening where we will introduce the Judges, along with the extrication
teams, and explain the rules. This is a great opportunity to network and prepare for the upcoming competition.
The basics of how the competition works:
- Teams will be sequestered while a scenario is set up.
- The scenario will be chosen by drawing.
- When teams arrive, they will have 20 minutes to work through their scene with the goal of extricating the patient safely and efficiently.
- Judges will pay close attention to every aspect of the teams’ performance, from assessment and stabilization to having an effective plan.
Day Two:
On Saturday morning we will begin the competition with the “limited pit”. This portion is often the team favorite. They have the opportunity to use all the hand tools of the trade, except the hydraulic tools. No hydraulics are allowed on this day! Teams will use air chisels, electric saws and manual jacks to perform the extrication of the patient.
Day Three:
On Sunday we will hold the “unlimited pit”. This is when the heavy hitting hydraulic tools known as the “jaws of life” are used. Teams will also have use of all other “tools of the trade” and will be using air, electric and hydraulic tools to extricate the patient. Sunday afternoon, we will conclude the competition with the Closing ceremony. We will have awards for each pit as well as an overall winning team.